Sentence for drink driving accident (case study)
Our client had retired and was intent on travelling around Australia and the world with his wife. Loss of licence would have impacted his travel plans.
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Our client had retired and was intent on travelling around Australia and the world with his wife. Loss of licence would have impacted his travel plans.
DetailsCharge Withdrawn in Low Range PCA Case Author: Nyman Gibson Miralis Windsor Local Court Represented by solicitor: Nyman Gibson Miralis Facts Our client failed a random roadside breath test. He was arrested and taken to the police station to provide a breath analysis. The machine recorded a blood alcohol content of 0.052, and our client…
DetailsClient facing low range drink driving charges, potential $1,100 fine and licence disqualification of 3-6 months. Find out how we had the matter dismissed.
DetailsLow range drink driving charge withdrawn and the matter was settled without our client receiving a conviction, fine or losing his licence.
DetailsLow Range means a blood alcohol concentration upon breath analysis or blood analysis of 0.050 and up to (but not including) 0.08. Our accredited criminal law specialist and indeed all of our criminal defence lawyers, drink driving lawyers and traffic lawyers practice exclusively in criminal law – which includes drink driving. We have the expertise…
DetailsWhat is Low Range PCA? If you have been charged with Low Range PCA, the police are alleging that you were driving with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05 to below 0.08. This is at the lower end of the drink driving spectrum. However, all drink-driving offences are considered to be serious, and you still face significant penalties.
DetailsA person who has 3 or more convictions for ‘relevant offences’ within a 5 year period will automatically (with or without the order of the Magistrate) be declared to be a Habitual Offender and given an additional 5 years disqualification period on top of the original disqualification period imposed by the Court.
DetailsOn this page: ·What is a Habitual Offender Declaration? ·Can I Appeal Against A Habitual Offender Declaration? ·How Do I ‘Appeal’ Against A Habitual Offender Declaration? What is a Habitual Offender Declaration? If you are convicted of 3 or more relevant offences within a 5 year period, you will be declared a habitual traffic offender…
DetailsWhat is the interlock program? The interlock program is a penalty which can be applied for a range of drink driving offences. It involves the installation of an electronic breath testing device to the ignition of a convicted driver’s vehicle. Every time the driver attempts to start the car, they must provide a breath sample by blowing…
DetailsAre you required to complete the Traffic Offender Intervention Program (TOIP)? Our experienced traffic lawyers can guide you through the process.