Weekend bail application (case study)

Case facts Our client was charged with two counts of aggravated sexual assault against a child under the age of 10 – his son. He was refused police bail and had to appear before the Parramatta weekend bail court. His family were frantic and they called numerous local lawyers at midnight to no avail. They contacted…


Section 10 NSW

OverviewCase StudiesOverview What is section 10? Section 10 orders are a criminal penalty that can be imposed by a magistrate or judge during sentencing. Under section 10 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) a court can find the accused guilty of an offence without recording a criminal conviction. These orders can be made with or without…


Wrongful Arrest and Wrongful Detention

Wrongful Arrest and Wrongful Detention Home  /  Suing the Police Case Studies  Nyman Gibson Miralis | 2016 Case Study: Wrongful Arrest and Wrongful Detention Case: SU v Commonwealth of Australia and anor; BS v Commonwealth of Australia and anor [2016] NSWSC 8 (3 February 2016) Keywords: Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, Australian Federal Police, Central Local Court,…
