Drink Driving and Traffic Offences

OffencesOverviewCase StudiesArticlesOffences Drink Driving and Traffic Law Offences Drink Driving Charges     Drug Driving Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Heavy Vehicles and Drink Driving High Range PCA Low Range PCA Drink Driving Mid Range PCA Drink Driving Novice Range PCA Drink Driving Refuse Breath Test Analysis Special Range PCA Traffic Law Offences    …


Predatory and Menacing Driving

What is predatory driving? Predatory driving is a criminal offence under section 51A of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). It occurs when someone drives a motor vehicle and: Pursues or travels near another vehicle on the road, Causing or threatening an impact, and Intending to cause the person in the other vehicle actual bodily harm. An impact refers…


Parole Hearings at the NSW State Parole Authority

Parole is integral in the NSW Criminal Justice System. It is administered by the NSW State Parole Authority which involves five officials: • A Judge. • A NSW Police Force member. • A Community Corrections NSW representative. • Two further members who represent the wider community. The hearings are usually held in the Parramatta District…


Money Laundering and AML Case Studies

See our article on the case of Lin v R [2015] NSWCCA 204 for more information on what the prosecution have to prove in relation to section 400.9 of the Criminal Code. Australian Federal Police investigating money laundering cases in Australia. Anti-Money Laundering Case Studies and the role of AUSTRAC AUSTRAC investigating money laundering cases in…


Money Laundering & Proceeds of Crime

Money laundering is the process where profits that are derived from illegitimate means are given the appearance of coming from a legitimate source. Money laundering allows people to use funds from proceeds of crime for personal use because it turns ‘dirty’ money into ‘clean’ money.
