The Extradition of international fugitives: How far will the US Justice Department go?
Discover how far the United States Department of Justice will go in order to extradite international fugitives.
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Discover how far the United States Department of Justice will go in order to extradite international fugitives.
DetailsThe internet and virtual currencies not only facilitate cybercrime, but also allow cybercriminals to launder the proceeds of crime and expand operations.
DetailsThe charge of grand larceny, common in the U.S., does not exist in NSW. Explore the equivalent local charges, key considerations and penalties.
DetailsIn NSW it is illegal to stalk another person, even if that stalking is online. Explore the key considerations and potential penalties for cyberstalking.
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DetailsIn 2018, The FBI´s Internet Crime Complaint Centre (IC3) received over 350,000 complaints with losses exceeding $2.7 Billion, across more than 30 crime types.
DetailsIn NSW, it is an offence to drive with illicit drugs in your system. Explore how the process works, which drugs police can test for & potential penalties.
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DetailsIn Australia, the three most common terms used to describe legal practitioners are lawyer, solicitor and barrister. So, what’s the difference?
DetailsExplore the different types of subpoenas, who they can be issued by, and the key considerations around compliance, objection and penalties.