Arson Charges & Penalties NSW

OverviewOverview What is arson? Arson is the destruction of property by fire. Arson has been replaced in the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) with several separate offences relating to the destruction of property. The main offence, destroying or damaging property by fire, is criminalised under section 195(1)(b) of the Crimes Act.  This offence occurs when a…


Criminal offence case studies

OffencesOverviewCase StudiesArticlesFAQsOffences Criminal Offences Affray, Riot and Violent Disorder Arson Assault and Related Offences Assault Police & Resist Arrest AVOs and Domestic Violence Break and Enter and Related Offences Centrelink Fraud Child Pornography Commital Hearing Defended Hearings Drug Offence Charges Firearms and Weapons Fraud Offences Goods in Custody and Receiving Indecent Assault Malicious Damage Murder…
