Remain on inclosed lands without lawful excuse | Trespass (case study)
Case study: we helped a client facing these charges receive a Section 10 good behaviour bond and avoid a criminal conviction. Need help? Book a free consult.
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Case study: we helped a client facing these charges receive a Section 10 good behaviour bond and avoid a criminal conviction. Need help? Book a free consult.
DetailsCatherine Smith walked free from the Sydney District Court on 30 May 2008 having been found not guilty of Attempted Murder, Attempting to Discharge a Firearm with Intent to Murder and Possess Firearm with Intent to Commit an indictable offence. Catherine gave evidence of having been raped, tortured, and abused over a period of 30 years.…
DetailsIf you breach an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO), you risk a criminal conviction and criminal record as well as penalties that include steep fines or even imprisonment. You might be forced to move out of your house. You might be prevented or restricted from seeing your children or going to or near a particular location.
DetailsCase example of how easy it is for complaints to be made which can lead to an AVO being made against the accused. See how we helped a client avoid an AVO.
DetailsOur client was charged with mental intimidation and stalking after continually contacting his ex-girlfriend via social media and mobile phone.
DetailsOur client was charged with offences including Assault and Breach of AVO. Find out how we helped him to avoid imprisonment and have the sentence suspended.
DetailsDomestic violence & assault charges are matters that we frequently defend. Whilst some AVO applications are genuine, many are not. Need help? Contact us 24/7.
DetailsCase example of how easy it is to fall into the trap of accepting AVO orders, not believing that another person would stoop to making false allegations.
DetailsCase study demonstrating how a convincing liar may be believed when they give evidence, leading to a criminal record for the accused.
DetailsCase Facts: Our client came to us after NSW Police filed an Apprehended Personal Violence Order against him. This represented the latest AVO following a short history of disputes with a neighbour. It was alleged that our client had engaged in behaviour that caused the protected persons fear for their safety. Our client did not…