Court attendance notice for drink driving (case study)
Client was facing Mid Range PCA charges. Discover how we helped him avoid a licence disqualification, keep his job and continue to support his young family.
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Client was facing Mid Range PCA charges. Discover how we helped him avoid a licence disqualification, keep his job and continue to support his young family.
DetailsOur client was charged with drink driving after failing a roadside breath test. We successfully appealed the charges and helped her avoid a conviction.
DetailsClient had a clean record but after the events of one night, he faced a lengthy period of disqualification as well as a jail term of up to two years.
DetailsOur client was facing Mid Range PCA and Drive Whilst Suspended charges, and was in danger of being declared a Habitual Traffic Offender.
DetailsYou may be charged with the offence of Mid Range PCA (Prescribed Content of Alcohol) if you have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 to less than 0.15. As the name suggests, it is not in the most severe category of drink driving, but the offence still carries a prison sentence as a potential penalty.
DetailsOur client had driven whilst drunk for the 5th time – one High Range PCA, one Low Range PCA and this was his third Mid Range PCA.
DetailsCase facts Our client was pulled over by police due to the manner of his driving, swerving between lanes before stopping at the side of the road. He was subjected to a roadside breath test, which returned a positive result. After being taken to the police station, a breath analysis revealed our client had a…
DetailsOur client was facing Mid Range PCA charges. Find out how we helped him avoid a criminal conviction with a Section 10.
DetailsOur client was charged with Aggravated Mid Range PCA. Find out how we helped him avoid a criminal conviction with a Section 10.
DetailsWhat is Mid Range PCA? You may be charged with the offence of Mid Range PCA if you are found to be driving with a blood alcohol concentration of between 0.08 and up to 0.15 under breath or blood analysis. Proving the offence It is important to be aware that it is not the…