How are competing requests for surrender and extradition dealt with?
Countries may receive multiple arrest warrants or requests for extradition concerning the same person. How do authorities decide which request to execute?
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Countries may receive multiple arrest warrants or requests for extradition concerning the same person. How do authorities decide which request to execute?
DetailsCrypto crime is becoming increasingly white collar due to the common denominator in all iterations of this crime. Can you guess what it is?
DetailsIn 2021, scams accounted for over $2 billion in financial losses in Australia. We look at the key trends outlined in the ACCC’s Targeting Scams 2021 report.
DetailsExplore the different types of cases pursued by the FBI, and the main cybercrime types targeted.
DetailsHow are corporations help responsible for crimes, when the acts have been committed through humans? Explore the current system and proposed reforms.
DetailsExplore the role of Australia’s new sanctions regulator, the Australian Sanctions Office (ASO) in overseeing the removal of sanctions under Australian law.
DetailsExplore the key factors the UK Serious Fraud Office considers in assessing the effectiveness of a company’s compliance program as part of an investigation.
DetailsDiscover how the UNCAC is helping to strengthen national anti-corruption frameworks, thereby strengthening the global fight against corruption.
DetailsExplore the role of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in combating global money laundering and cybercrime, as outlined in its 2018 annual report.
DetailsMost anti-corruption measures currently target “petty corruption”. Explore the shifting focus to the most significant cases of “grand corruption”.