How do the Australian Federal Police (AFP) counter terrorism?
Discover how the AFPs counter-terrorism function investigates terrorism offences in Australia and overseas, to uphold Australia’s national security.
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Discover how the AFPs counter-terrorism function investigates terrorism offences in Australia and overseas, to uphold Australia’s national security.
DetailsWhat is extradition? Extradition is the process by which one country apprehends and sends a person to another country to face criminal charges or serve a sentence. The Extradition Act 1988 (Cth) provides Australia’s legislative basis for extradition. It sets out a number of mandatory requirements which must be met before Australia can make or accept…
DetailsWhat is MI6? The UK Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) – otherwise known as MI6 – conducts secret overseas operations and gathers intelligence to help protect UK interests. The MI6 works closely with a number of other foreign intelligence and security services, including the Security Service (MI5) and the GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters). While the MI5…
DetailsDiscover how Google deals with requests for user data from government agencies investigating criminal activity, administrative agencies, courts and others.
DetailsThere are some key differences in legal traditions and systems around the world, which are very important to consider in extradition and mutual legal assistance matters involving multiple jurisdictions. Civil Law and Common Law traditions The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Manual on Mutual Legal Assistance and Extradition defines a “legal tradition”…
DetailsHuman trafficking is estimated to be one of the most profitable crimes in the world. Discover why it is also often associated with money laundering.
DetailsDiscover how when dealing with international search warrants, the rights of a wanted person do not have the same legal protections as under domestic law.
DetailsCyber operations are being increasingly used. Explore some competing definitions of cyber weapons, and the potential implications of how they are defined.
DetailsThere is a long history of hostile foreign governments seeking to influence U.S. democratic institutions. With rapidly developing technologies and the increasing use of and access to the internet and social media, these foreign actors have become further empowered in these activities. The United States Department of Justice plays an important role in defending the…
DetailsDiscover which charactertistics may allow legal and illegal bitcoin users to be distinguished.