‘Grand corruption’ vs. ‘petty corruption’: A shifting focus
Most anti-corruption measures currently target “petty corruption”. Explore the shifting focus to the most significant cases of “grand corruption”.
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Most anti-corruption measures currently target “petty corruption”. Explore the shifting focus to the most significant cases of “grand corruption”.
DetailsA key focus of the FBI’s work is on combating white collar crime, partnering with other law enforcement agencies to dismantle criminal enterprises.
DetailsExplore how ASIC combats illegal phoenix activity – when a company liquidates its operations to avoid paying its creditors, taxes & other regulatory payments.
DetailsExplore Europe’s post COVID-19 plans to fight economic crime with the launch of Europol’s Financial Crime Centre.
DetailsDiscover how the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has adapted its strategic planning process to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
DetailsAs the COVID-19 virus spreads around the globe, criminals are looking for ways to exploit the fear and uncertainty surrounding the virus to generate profits.
DetailsCorporations may not be liable for failing to prevent foreign bribery by associates if they can show “adequate procedures” were in place to prevent bribery.
DetailsAn examination of a recent Federal Court case involving money laundering and extradition, and concerning Indonesia.
DetailsA summary of recent cases examining the meaning of “special circumstances” in extradition cases involving bail applications.
DetailsDiscover how and why Australia assists foreign governments to spy on its citizens, and the implications of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act.