Australia’s evolving national security threats: The ASIO’s perspective
In his annual address, the Director-General of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) provides an update on Australia’s threat environment.
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In his annual address, the Director-General of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) provides an update on Australia’s threat environment.
DetailsThe ATO may amend assessment periods in investigating fraud and tax evasion. Explore your rights and the ATO’s responsibilities.
DetailsDiscover how the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) deals with claims of legal professional privilege.
DetailsLearn about the Attorney-General’s Department assistance scheme for Australians facing the death penalty in foreign jurisdictions.
DetailsAre you a member of a high wealth private group? You may be targeted by the ATO’s Next 5,000 tax performance program. Explore the key considerations.
DetailsLearn about the Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman – an independent Officer who investigates complaints about the ATO.
DetailsIf the ATO suspects you of tax evasion, they may check your finances to see whether they match their records. Learn about the data-matching program.
DetailsBribery is a criminal offence, so it stands to reason that tax benefits cannot be reaped from this conduct. Explore the key considerations outlined by the ATO.
DetailsShipping cartel fines now total $83.5 million after Norwegian shipping company WWO was ordered by Australia’s Federal Court to pay a fine of $24 million.
DetailsExplore the legislation applicable to corporations, the types of offences and penalties available, and the liability provisions, as outlined by the ALRC.