Dennis Miralis is a leading Australian defence lawyer with over 20 years of experience. Dennis is a Partner at Nyman Gibson Miralis and specialises in international criminal law.

Oversight and governance in the National Anti-Corruption Commission

Securing transparency: Oversight and governance in the National Anti-Corruption Commission

In its pursuit of combating corruption within the Commonwealth public sector, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (the Commission) faces a demanding and intricate operational landscape. This article delves into the various facets of its operating context, as outlined in its 2023-2027 Corporate Plan.   Operating environment The National Anti-Corruption Commission faces high public expectations in combatting…


ACAPS 2023 privacy survey

Data breaches emerge as top privacy concern in Australia: ACAPS 2023 survey reveals

Privacy concerns are escalating among Australians, with data breaches taking centre stage as the most significant privacy risk, according to the 2023 Australian Community Attitudes to Privacy Survey (ACAPS). The survey, conducted by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), offers profound insights into the evolving landscape of privacy attitudes, reflecting the impact of…
